Aqualia I+D All-Gas
Last update 28/11/2017 13:32
Project Participants
Zouhayr Arbib - innovacion@aqualia.es - Tel: +34 917574499
FCC Aqualia is a part of FCC, one of Europe's leading citizen services companies.It specialises in the management of all activities related to the wáter cycle. It is also one of the few global companies able to offer solutions for all wáter requirements; be it domestic, agricultural or industrial use.
University of Southampton
United Kingdom
Charles Banks - c.j.banks@soton.ac.uk - Tel: +44 2380594650
The University of Southampton is already one of the top 15 research universities in the UK and has achieved consistently high scores for its teaching and learning activities.
BDI Bio Energy International
Robert Raudner - robert.raudner@bdi-bioenergy.com - Tel: +43 3164009150
BDI - BioEnergy International AG has specialised in the development of technologies that make optimum use of resources in the industrial processing of by- and waste products ever since it was established in 1996 and like this continually takes a pioneering role. BDI carries out research on the development of processes for the processing of new raw materials at its own large laboratories and owns an extensive patent portfolio that has resulted from its in-house research and development activities.
Fraunhofer - Gesellschaft
Axel Kraft - Axel.kraft@umsicht.fraunhofer.de - Tel: +49 2088598-0
Our know-how covers technical innovations in the fields of environmental, material, process and energy technology. Our objective is the advancement of sustainable economies, environmentally friendly technologies and innovative approaches. Our wish: to improve the standard of living and to promote the innovation capacity of the national economy.
Hygear B.V.
Ellar de Wit - ellar.de.wit@hygear.nl - Tel: +31 651118960
With the growing global need for energy efficiency and sustainability, industries are improving chemical processes, optimizing supply chains and searching for new and sustainable fuels. HyGear is a Dutch company with unique competences in miniaturization of chemical processes and gas streams. We are devoted to delivering systems that are ready-to-use in renewable energy applications or chemical processes. HyGear develops, builds and tests compact, standardized hydrogen generators, as well as biogas upgrading systems, gas to liquid solutions and fuel cells.